Fx. template

Fx.template: Print related functions Print template related services, because this interface will be time-consuming, use restProxy to process it separately, and separate the time-consuming from proxyAPI

1. Print a file using a template

Fx.template.print(<String objectAPIName>, <String id>, <String templateId>, <String instanceId>, <String orientation>)

Parameter Description

| parameter | type | description |
| ------------ | ------------ | ----------------------- ----------------------------------------- |
| objectAPIName | String | The object API name of the print data |
| id | String | id of the print data |
| templateId | String | print template id |
| instanceId | String | Optional parameter, used together with orientation, approval instance id (just pass null when printing object data) |
| orientation | String | optional parameter, used together with instanceId, Landscape: horizontal, Portrait: vertical |

return type


Return value description

fileType file type path file path fileSize file size

Java example

String objectAPIName = "object_rqa45__c";
String objectId = "600817eb048fdb000179d37d";
String templateId = "5fe9cbe2e66fd10001a2a339";
String orientation = "Portrait";

APIResult ret = Fx.template.print(objectAPIName, objectId, templateId, null, orientation);
  Fx.log.info("Print error: " + ret.message());

Groovy example

String objectAPIName = "object_rqa45__c"
String objectId = "600817eb048fdb000179d37d"
String templateId = "5fe9cbe2e66fd10001a2a339"
String orientation = "Portrait"

def(Boolean error,Map result,String errorMessage) = Fx.template.print(objectAPIName,objectId,templateId,null,orientation)
if( error ){
  Fx.log.info("Print error: " + errorMessage)


  • The printing call will take a long time, please try to put it in the action after the process, or an asynchronous function to avoid the page execution timeout

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