Fx.location: an API related to querying the location
1. Query the attribution of a single number
Fx.location.findByMobile(<String mobile>)
Parameter Description
| parameter | type | description |
| ------------ | ------------ | ----------------------- ----------------------------------------- |
| mobile | String | mobile phone number |
return type
Return value description
Java example
APIResult ret = Fx.location.findByMobile("11111111111");
if (ret. isError()) {
} else {
Groovy example
def(Boolean error, Map result, String errroMessage) = Fx. location. findByMobile("11111111111")
// Add two parameters to the return value
//province_code String type, the area code of the province
//city_code String type, the area code of the city
2. Batch query number attribution
Fx.location.findByMobiles(<List mobile>)
Parameter Description
| parameter | type | description |
| ------------ | ------------ | ----------------------- ----------------------------------------- |
| mobile | List | mobile phone number list |
return type
Return value description
Java example
APIResult ret = Fx.location.findByMobiles(Lists.newArrayList("11111111111", "12252225222"));
if (ret. isError()) {
} else {
Groovy example
def(Boolean error, Map result, String errroMessage) = Fx. location. findByMobiles(["11111111111", "12252225222"])
3. According to latitude and longitude, calculate the distance between two points
Fx.location.distance(<BigDecimal longitude1>, <BigDecimal latitude1>, <BigDecimal longitude2>, <BigDecimal latitude2>)
Parameter Description
| parameter | type | description |
| ------------ | ------------ | ----------------------- ----------------------------------------- |
| longitude1 | BigDecimal | Longitude of the first point |
| latitude1 | BigDecimal| the latitude of the first point |
| longitude2 | BigDecimal | Longitude of the second point |
| latitude2 | BigDecimal | latitude of the second point |
return type
Return value description
Java example
BigDecimal longitude1 = BigDecimal.valueOf(116.374409); //The precision of location 1
BigDecimal latitude1 = BigDecimal.valueOf(39.942939); //Latitude of location 1
BigDecimal longitude2 = BigDecimal.valueOf(116.375721); //The precision of location 2
BigDecimal latitude2 = BigDecimal.valueOf(39.942925); //Latitude of location 2
APIResult ret = Fx.location.distance(longitude1,latitude1,longitude2,latitude2);
if (ret. isError()) {
} else {
Groovy example
BigDecimal longitude1 = 116.374409 //The precision of location 1
BigDecimal latitude1 = 39.942939//Latitude of location 1
BigDecimal longitude2 = 116.375721//accuracy of location 2
BigDecimal latitude2 = 39.942925 //Latitude of location 2
def (Boolean error,Long result,String errorMessage) = Fx.location.distance(longitude1,latitude1,longitude2,latitude2)
if( error ){
Fx.log.info("calculation error: " + errorMessage)
4. According to the area code, query the Chinese language of the provinces and cities in the area
Fx.location.findCountryAreaLabel(<String code>, <String type>)
Parameter Description
| parameter | type | description |
| ------------ | ------------ | ----------------------- ----------------------------------------- |
| code | String | region code |
| type | String | country country province province city city district district town district |
return type
Return value description
String (returns the name of the country, province, city, or city, and returns empty if the query cannot be found)
Java example
String label = Fx. location. findCountryAreaLabel("249","province");
Groovy example
String label = Fx. location. findCountryAreaLabel("249","province")
5. According to the region, province and city Chinese, query the region code
Fx.location.findCountryAreaCode(<String label>, <String type>)
parameter saysBright
| parameter | type | description |
| ------------ | ------------ | ----------------------- ----------------------------------------- |
| label | String | region, province and city |
| type | String | country country province province city city district district town district |
return type
Return value description
String (returns the area code of the country, province, city, city, or region, if it cannot be found, it returns empty)
Java example
String provinceCode = Fx.location.findCountryAreaCode("Heilongjiang","province");
Groovy example
String provinceCode = Fx.location.findCountryAreaCode("Heilongjiang","province")
6. Query country, province, city
return type
Return value description
Java example
APIResult ret = Fx.location.getCountryAreaOptions();
if (ret. isError()) {
} else {
Groovy example
def(Boolean error, Map data, String mesage) = Fx. location. getCountryAreaOptions()
if (error) {
log.info("error: " + message)
log. info(data['city'])
log. info(data['district'])
7. Check the standard administrative division code according to the Label of the province and city
Fx.location.getZoningCodeByLabel(<String type>, <String label>)
Parameter Description
| parameter | type | description |
| ------------ | ------------ | ----------------------- ----------------------------------------- |
| type | String | District type: only supports province: province, city: city, district: district |
| label | String | region name |
return type
Return value description
Java example
APIResult ret = Fx.location.getZoningCodeByLabel("city", "Beijing");
if (ret. isError()) {
} else {
Groovy example
def(Boolean error, Map data, String mesage) = Fx.location.getZoningCodeByLabel("city", "Beijing")
if (error) {
log.info("error: " + message)
log. info(data)