Custom Button

Used to execute custom button trigger logic

Example: The user clicks the extension button under the customer, and the interface pops up, and enters the application extension time to trigger approval. After passing, the corresponding high seas recovery time can be delayed.

1. Application scenarios of three return types of button functions

1.1 Map

The return value type is Map , which is usually used interactively with the page
Usually the returned information needs to contain
error : Is there an error
errorMessage : The error message prompted after an error occurs
block : Whether to block saving after prompting the exception information

"error": true,
"errorMessage": "If it fails, the error message to be prompted",
"block": true

1.2 String

Returns a String type, and the content must be a valid URL. After clicking the button, the page jumps to the URL corresponding to the return value.

1.3 UI Actions

In the scenario where the button jumps to a standard page or a custom component, you need to configure a button function whose return type is UIAction.

UIAction jumps to the details page custom component:


UIAction openDialogAction = OpenDialogAction. build{
  userData = [:] //List of data key-value pairs passed to the custom component
  title = "title" //Title
  width = 123 //width and height
  maxHeight = 123 //Maximum height
  component { // the apiName of the component
    apiName = "comp_yuio8__c"
return openDialogAction

The and context.details of the function will be passed to the custom component as the default parameters objectData and details.

UIAction Jump to list page custom component:


UIAction openDialogAction = OpenDialogAction. build{
  userData = [:] //List of data key-value pairs passed to the custom component
  title = "title" //Title
  width = 123 //width and height
  maxHeight = 123 //Maximum height
  component { // the apiName of the component
    apiName = "comp_yuio8__c"
return openDialogAction


import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class ButtonJava implements IButtonUIAction {

   * UIAction jumps to the list page custom component
  public UIAction execute(FunctionContext context, Map<String, Object> args) {
      OpenDialogAction.Builder builder = OpenDialogAction.Builder.create();

      OpenDialogAction. Component component = OpenDialogAction. Component. create();
      Map paraMap = Maps. newHashMap();
      paraMap. put("a", 1);
      paraMap. put("b", 2); = paraMap;//list of data key-value pairs passed to custom components
      builder.setWidth("123");//width and height
      builder.setMaxHeight("123");//maximum heightbuilder.component = component;//apiName of the component
      return builder.toOpenDialogAction();


The conext.dataList of the function will be passed to the custom component as the default parameter objectIds.

UIAction jumps to standard components:


//1 Jump to print template
 * data Parameters that need to be passed when printing
Map data = [
    "validatePreAction": false, //Pre-validation must be false
    "templateId":"5e994bbfa5083d97d6ae7afa", //Specify the print template
    "dataId":"5d428ed922381800018d946c", //data id
    "orientation": "Landscape", //horizontal or vertical
    "skipCheckButtonConditions": false // Whether to skip the button display condition judgment of the object
WebAction action = WebAction. builder()
return action
//2 Jump to the new page
Map data = [
  'apiname': 'AccountObj',
  'record_type': 'default__c'

WebAction action = WebAction. builder()

return action

//3 Jump to the new page and set the default value for the new page field
Map recordData = [
  'field_62AcX__c': "6066ec21fe5dbf0024f67e02", //Assign a value for the search associated field
  'field_62AcX__c__r': "My product 1", //This method must be used to add the main attribute of the associated object data
  'name': 'backfill'
Map data = [
  'apiname': 'object_qe3x1__c',
  'record_type': 'default__c',
  'data': recordData,
  'details': [:]
WebAction action = WebAction. builder()
return action

//4 Jump to URL
UIAction uiAction = WebAction. builder()
return uiAction


import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class UIActionPrint implements IButtonUIAction {

   * Jump to print template
  public UIAction execute(FunctionContext context, Map<String, Object> args) {
    Map data = Maps.newHashMap(); //data is the parameter that needs to be passed when printing
    data.put("validatePreAction", false); //Pre-validation must be false
    data.put("templateId", "5e994bbfa5083d97d6ae7afa"); //Specify the print template
    data.put("dataId", "5d428ed922381800018d946c"); //data id
    data.put("orientation", "Landscape"); //Print horizontally or vertically
    data. put("skipCheckButtonConditions", false); //Whether to skip the object's button display condition judgment
    UIAction action = WebAction. builder()
    return action;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class UIActionJump implements IButtonUIAction {

   * Jump to the new object page
  public UIAction execute(FunctionContext context, Map<String, Object> args) {
    Map data = Maps.newHashMap(); //data object jump parameters
    data.put("apiname", "AccountObj"); //Object API name
    data.put("record_type", "default__c"); //object business type
    UIAction action = WebAction. builder()
    return action;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class UIActionJumpDefault implements IButtonUIAction {

   * Jump to the new page and set the default value for the new page field
  public UIAction execute(FunctionContext context, Map<String, Object> args) {
    Map recordData = Maps. newHashMap();
    recordData.put("field_62AcX__c", "6066ec21fe5dbf0024f67e02"); //Assign values ​​for search associated fields
    recordData.put("field_62AcX__c__r", "My product 1"); //This method must be used to add the main attribute of the associated object data
    Map details = Maps. newHashMap();

    Map data = Maps.newHashMap(); //data object jump parameters
    data.put("apiname", "object_qe3x1__c"); //Object API name
    data.put("record_type", "default__c"); //object business type
    data.put("data", recordData); //object business type
    data.put("detais", detais); //object business type
    UIAction action = WebAction. builder()
    return action;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class UIActionJumpURL implements IButtonUIAction {
   * Jump to URL
  public UIAction execute(FunctionContext context, Map<String, Object> args) {
    UIAction action = WebAction. builder()
    return action;

**UIAction The mobile terminal returns pop-up window information: **


AlertAction action = AlertAction. builder()
  .text('Prompt information')
return action
//Prompt information cannot be empty, type is to reserve the style attributes of various pop-up box prompts later, it can be empty, empty or default inserted into default


import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class UIActionMessage implements IButtonUIAction {

   * The mobile terminal returns pop-up information
  public UIAction execute(FunctionContext context, Map<String, Object> args) {
  //Prompt information cannot be empty, type is to reserve the style attributes of various pop-up box prompts later, it can be empty, empty or default inserted into default
  AlertAction action = AlertAction. builder()
      .text("prompt information")
    return action;

UIAction mobile jump page:


AppAction app = AppAction.builder()
return app


import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class UIActionPhoneJump implements IButtonUIAction {

   * Mobile terminal jump page
  public UIAction execute(FunctionContext context, Map<String, Object> args) {
    AppAction action = AppAction.builder()
      .url("") //The url address of the jump
    return action;

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