Introduction to Data Types

That is, the type of data that is supported in the custom function, including:

  1. Integer - Integer type, the value can only be an integer

  2. String - String type, encapsulated with "" when used

  3. BigDecimal - Number type

  4. Boolean - Boolean type, only true and false values

  5. Date - the date type, the format is YYYY-MM-DD, and it is encapsulated with "" when used

  6. Time - Time type, the format is hh:mm, and it is encapsulated with "" when used

  7. DateTime - date type (specific), the format is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm, encapsulated with "" when used

  8. List - collection type, encapsulated with [ ] when used, and separated by , for the data in the middle

  9. Map - collection type, encapsulated with [ ] when used, the data in the middle is separated by , and the data in the middle exists in the form of key:value key-value pairs

  10. Duration- No creation interface, it will be returned when Integer type data calls date type data

  11. QueryResult - no creation interface, it will be returned in the object query interface

  12. HttpResult - no creation interface, it will be returned in the httpAPI interface

  13. Range - for loop logic

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