APL Class

You can define classes, write custom classes and custom functions with the idea of ​​object-oriented programming, and the methods of the written APL class can be called by other functions

1. Configuration method

Note: 1. When naming a class, start with a capital letter, allow alphanumeric characters in the middle, must end with __c, and cannot exceed 50 characters

​ 2. The class name of the APL class is the apiName of the function except the part of __c, which cannot be modified

​ 3. Objects cannot be instantiated directly through the new keyword in the function. Add a Fx.klass.newInstance to instantiate the APL class, Object object = Fx.klass.newInstance(String str)

​ 4. The static method can be called directly through the class name + method name without instantiation; while the ordinary method needs to be instantiated before it can be called, and the object is instantiated through Fx.klass.newInstance

  1. When writing APL classes, you can debug through the main function

2. Function writing template


class HtttpUtils {
  private static String CONYTENT_TYPE = 'Content-Type'
  private static String JSON = 'application/json'
  private static String MULTIPART = 'multipart/form-data'
  //application/json post request
  public static Map post(String url, Map header, Map body) {
    header.put(CONYTENT_TYPE, JSON)
    def (Boolean error, HttpResult data, String errorMessage) = Fx.http.post(url, header, body)
    if (error) {
      log. info(errorMessage)
      return [:]
    log.info('HtttpUtils execute success!')
    return data['content']
  //multipart/form-data request, byte file upload
  public Map post(String url, byte[] data, String name, String filename, String contentType) {
    String boundary = Fx.random.randomUUID()
    Map header = [
      CONYTENT_TYPE: MULTIPART + '; boundary=' + boundary
    boundary = '--' + boundary
    String param = boundary + '\n' +
                   'Content-Disposition: form-data; name=' + name + '; filename=' + filename +'\n' +
                   'Content-Type: ' + contentType + '\n' +
                   '\n' +
                   data + '\n' +
                   boundary + '--\n'
    log. info(param)
    def (Boolean error, HttpResult ret, String errorMessage) = Fx.http.post(url, header, param)
    if (error) {
      log. info(errorMessage)
      return [:]
    log.info('HtttpUtils execute success!')
    return ret['content']
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String url = "http://httpbin.org/post"
    Map body = ["key": "value"]
    Map header = [:]
    // The static method can be called directly through the class name + method name without instantiation
    Map ret = HtttpUtils. post(url, header, body);
    log. info(ret)String name = 'file'
    String filename = 'test.png'
    byte[] data = [1, 2, 3]
    String contentType = 'image/png'
    // Ordinary methods need to be instantiated before they can be called
    // Need to instantiate the object through Fx.klass.newInstance
    HtttpUtils utils = Fx.klass.newInstance('HtttpUtils')
    Map ret1 = utils. post(url, data, name, filename, contentType);


import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class JavaUtil {

  private String CONYTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type";
  private String JSON = "application/json";
  private String MULTIPART = "multipart/form-data";
  //application/json post request
  public Map post(String url, Map header, Map body) {
    header.put(CONYTENT_TYPE, JSON);
    APIResult data = Fx.http.post(url, header, body);
    if ((boolean)data.get(0)) {
      return null;
    Fx.log.info("HtttpUtils execute success!");

    HttpResult result = (HttpResult)data.get(1);
    return (Map) result. getContent();

  //multipart/form-data request, byte file upload
  public Map post(String url, byte[] data, String name, String filename, String contentType) {
    String boundary = Fx. random. randomUUID();
    Map header = Maps. newHashMap();
    header.put(CONYTENT_TYPE, JSON);

    boundary = "--" + boundary;
    String param = boundary + "\n" +
                  "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=" + name + "; filename=" + filename +"\n" +
                  "Content-Type: " + contentType + "\n" +
                  "\n" +
                  data + "\n" +
                  boundary + "--\n";
    APIResult apiResult = Fx.http.post(url, header, param);

    if ((boolean)apiResult. get(0)) {
      return null;
    Fx.log.info("HtttpUtils execute success!");
    HttpResult result = (HttpResult)apiResult.get(1);
    return (Map) result. getContent();

  //Function debugging method
  public void debug() {
    String url = "http://httpbin.org/post";
    Map body = Maps.of("key", "value");
    Map header = Maps. newHashMap();

    // The static method can be called directly through the class name + method name without instantiation
    Map data = post(url, header, body);
    String name = "file";
    String filename = "test.png";
    byte[] data1 = new byte[]{1, 2, 3};
    String contentType = "image/png";

    // Ordinary methods need to be instantiated before they can be called
    // Need to instantiate the object through Fx.klass.newInstance
    JavaUtil utils = Fx.klass.newInstance(JavaUtil.class);

    Map ret1 = utils. post(url, data1, name, filename, contentType);

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