Sales Leads

Sales leads are the original information obtained from the initial contact with customers, which can be business cards obtained from exhibitions, telephone numbers obtained through promotional activities, or simple customer information obtained from meetings, advertisements, external purchases and other channels, and then through management and follow-up Into can be converted into customers. At the same time, the conversion rate of channels can be analyzed according to different lead sources, so as to optimize the resource allocation of marketing activities to maximize profits. Put these public leads into lead pools by region and industry, such as lead pools in Shanghai, lead pools in Beijing, lead pools in the education industry, lead pools in the financial industry, etc. The lead pool can set up administrators and members, and configure push or pull methods to assign leads to salespeople for follow-up. In order to achieve rationalization and standardization of management leads.

1. Leads Management in Business Process

1.1 Business Process of Sales Leads

  • Get Leads: Enterprises obtain a large amount of potential customer information through many channels such as holding marketing activities or external purchases. They can be a phone number, a company name or name, or other social contacts. In order to effectively manage sales leads, lead pools can be created according to customer industry or region dimensions, so that sales staff can receive and follow up according to their own expertise or the principle of proximity, so as to improve lead conversion rate and work efficiency. On the other hand, when a salesperson follows up a lead, if the phone call fails or the lead cannot be reached, the lead can be returned to the lead pool, so that they can choose an opportunity to follow up or be followed up by other salespersons, so as to improve the utilization rate of sales leads and conversion rate. There are many ways to enter sales leads in Funshare CRM, please refer to this chapter New Sales Leads

  • Lead allocation: reasonably allocate the leads in the lead pool to sales. In order to ensure that sales leads can be allocated to sales personnel reasonably and effectively, FunShare CRM provides a variety of lead allocation methods:

    • Default assignment: In the lead pool, specify that the leads belonging to this lead pool are assigned to the designated salesperson by default, so as to quickly assign leads. For details, please refer to this chapter [Clue Pool - Allocation] (

    • Assignment by lead pool administrators: The lead pool administrator assigns sales leads in batches in the front-end lead pool, which is suitable for assigning sensitive or important sales leads to capable sales personnel for follow-up to ensure the maximum conversion rate of leads. For details, please refer to this chapter [Clue Pool - Allocation] (

    • Active collection by salespersons: If the lead pool is configured to be collected by employees, salespeople can directly collect sales leads. Improve the enthusiasm of the sales staff by taking the initiative to collect. For details, please refer to this chapter [Clue Pool - Claim] (

  • Lead follow-up: After the salesperson assigns the lead, they can get in touch with potential customers through various methods, such as calling or visiting, and communicate to understand the customer's intentions and needs, and then pass the obtained information Enter it into the system for follow-up, analysis and summary of follow-up questions. For details, please refer to this chapter [Clue Processing] (

  • Lead conversion: After further verification and screening of sales leads, sales staff will convert valuable leads or leads with clear purchase intentions into customers, contacts or business opportunities, so that further follow-up measures can be taken Or sales process follow-up. For details, please refer to this chapter [Clue Processing] (

  • Data analysis: In the whole conversion process, analyze the lead conversion rate through the source of sales leads, get the optimal channel, and find the optimal sales model; you can also statistically analyze the conversion rate of employee leads to understand the working ability of sales staff Or areas of expertise, in order to reasonably distribute leads. For details, see Report

2. Complete Life Cycle Process of Sales Leads

In FunShare CRM, each conversion process of a sales lead in the life cycle is identified by the lead status.

  • Unassigned: That is, the sales leads added to the lead pool through marketing activities and entry/import are initially unassigned, or the sales leads returned to the lead pool during the follow-up process will also be converted to unassigned status.

  • Pending: When the sales lead is assigned the person in charge, it is in the pending state. The default person in charge of the sales lead created by the salesperson is the current user, that is, the pending status.

  • Following up: When the salesperson adds "Processing Result" or "Sales Record", the status changes to "Following Up".

  • Invalid: That is, when the lead cannot be contacted with the customer during follow-up, the lead can be temporarily marked as "invalid" so that it can be followed up later.

  • Converted: After the lead is converted into an account, contact or opportunity, the status of the lead becomes converted.

  • Obsolete: That is, after the sales lead is verified as junk data, it can be invalidated. After invalidation, only the CRM administrator can restore it.

3. Examples of Business Scenes

Enterprises obtain a large number of business cards through holding exhibitions. They can directly scan the business cards and create clues. The information on the business cards is directly filled into the clues, and the source of the clues is selected as "exhibition". On the other hand, in order to facilitate the management of clues, you can Information regions or different industries are divided into different lead pools, such as "North China Lead Pool", "Financial Industry Lead Pool" and so on.

4. Business Operation of Sales Leads

4.1 Preset Scenes for Sales Leads

  • 全部销售线索

    • 负责人是当前用户或当前用户的下属

    • 或者相关团队成员中包含当前用户或是当前用户的下属

    • 或者在“数据权限管理”中配置销售线索的“数据共享”规则为记录负责人或是负责人所属部门的数据共享给当前员工或是当前员工所在部门或是当前员工所在用户组。

    • 或是“我负责部门的”数据。

  • 我的超时销售线索:负责人为当前用户,且【是否超时】为“已超时”的销售线索。

    • 备注:如果是非线索池线索或是线索池没有配置超时时长,则状态保持为“未超时”
  • 待我跟进的销售线索:负责人为当前用户,且状态为“未处理”、“跟进中”

  • 我下属的销售线索:负责人为当前用户的下属

  • 我参与的:负责人为当前用户或者相关团队中包含当前用户

  • 我下属参与的:负责人为当前用户的下属或是相关团队成员为当前用户的下属

  • 共享给我的:在“数据权限管理”中配置销售线索的“数据共享”规则为记录负责人或是负责人所属部门的数据共享给当前员工或是当前员工所在部门或是当前员工所在用户组。

  • 我负责部门的

    • 当前用户为所在主部门的部门负责人
    • 同时记录中相关团队成员的主部门为该部门。
    • 备注:负责部门是否包含所有下级数据,由“CRM管理-规则设置-基础设置-上级可见数据范围”决定


  • “CRM管理员”可以查看所有数据。
  • 所有状态为“作废”的记录只有“CRM管理员”可见,其他人员均不可见。

4.2 新建销售线索

  • 有多种方式创建线索。

    • 手工创建入口:

      • 在【销售线索】的主列表下新建销售线索。

      • 在前端【线索池】的主列表下新建销售线索

      • 在关联对象【市场活动】下创建销售线索。

    • 通过手机端“扫名片”的方式创建销售线索

      • 入口1:移动端首页右上角“扫一扫”。
      • 入口2:移动端“销售线索”列表页,点击“+”,选择“扫名片”。
    • 通过导入的方式创建销售线索

4.3 线索处理

  • 业务说明:销售线索负责人需要对自己负责的线索跟进处理,验证线索的有效性,有价值的线索转换为客户/联系人或是商机,没有价值的线索设置为无效线索。

  • 业务操作条件:【状态】为“待处理”、“跟进中”、“无效”

  • 可执行此操作的员工或角色有:负责人、负责人上级、相关团队成员且配置“读写”权限以及相关团队成员的上级、数据被共享方且配置“读写”权限、所在线索池的管理员。

  • 业务操作入口:销售线索详情页中【更多】操作下选择【处理】、前端【线索池】下线索详情页中【更多】操作下选择【处理】

  • 相关操作

    • 跟进中:当线索在跟进验证过程中,可添加跟进记录,并填写“处理结果”。这个操作结果会更新线索状态为“跟进中”。

    • 转换线索:如果确认当前线索为有价值的线索,可以将其转换为客户、联系人或是商机,以便后续跟进,并沉淀业务数据。

    • 无效:如果跟进中确认当前线索是一个没价值的线索,可以设置为“无效”。此操作可逆,即后期因为某个契机而变得有价值,仍可继续跟进并转化。

  • 业务补充

    • “作废”与“无效”:作废类似于删除操作。而“无效”是销售线索跟进中电话打不通,或客户对公司产品无意愿而标记为无效。另一方面无效的线索过一段时间后再跟进可继续转化。

4.4 线索转换

  • 业务说明:如果确认当前线索为有价值的线索,可以将其转换为客户、联系人或是商机,以便后续跟进,并沉淀业务数据。

  • 转换为客户:转换为客户是必选项,即创建一个客户,如果客户已存在,则关联此客户。

    • 线索的“公司名称”会自动带入为客户名称。

    • 如果“查重规则”中开启客户“新建查重”,则系统会跟据客户名称自动查找匹配客户。即如果客户名称已存在,则会自动关联对应的客户记录。

    • 如果没有开启客户“新建查重”,则不匹配已有客户,而是新建一个客户。

  • 转换为联系人:转换为联系人时为可选项。即同时创建一个联系人。

    • 线索的“姓名”会自动带入为“联系人”的姓名。

    • 如果“查重规则”中开启联系人“新建查重”,则系统会跟据规则自动查找匹配联系人。即如果联系人已存在,则转换失败。

    • 如果没有开启联系人“新建查重”,则不匹配已有联系人,而是新建一个联系人。

  • 转换为商机:转换为商机时为可选项。

    • 选中后须填写商机相关信息。

    • 如果“查重规则”中开启商机“禁止在同一客户下创建重复商机名称”,则新建时会按此规则查重,如果重复,则转换失败。

  • 线索的销售记录自动带入客户:选中后,待转换线索产生的销售记录自动带入客户中。

4.5 退回

  • 业务说明:当线索负责人跟进一段时间后没有效果,或是认为当前线索不是自己负责的业务范围内或是放弃跟进等原因,可将线索退回线索池,由其他成员继续跟进。

  • 业务操作条件:【状态】为“待处理”、“跟进中”、“无效”

  • 可执行此操作的员工或角色有:负责人、负责人上级、相关团队成员且配置“读写”权限以及相关团队成员的上级、数据被共享方且配置“读写”权限

  • 业务操作入口:【销售线索】列表页、【销售线索】详情页中的【更多】操作、前端【线索池】列表页、前端【线索池】下线索详情页中的【更多】操作。

  • 备注

    • 如果当前线索已是线索池线索,则直接退回,如果是非线索池线索,可选择当前用户所属线索池退回。
    • “退回”与“收回”:“退回”可由线索负责人主动退回线索池,“收回”则由线索池管理员被动收回。
  • 退回原因

    • 业务说明 :负责人将线索退回线索池时,需选择退回原因。
    • 业务操作条件 :“销售线索”对象下“销售人员退回原因”字段为启用,可增删退回原因。

4.6 邮件

  • 业务说明:用于沉淀当前员工与客户对象下邮件地址的往来邮件。
  • 业务操作入口:【客户】详情页中的“邮件”。
  • 邮件追踪:发出的邮件可追踪用户是否已读
read icon
unread icon

5. Lead pool business operation

  • If the current user is a member of a thread pool and the member is visible, the front end [thread pool] will be visible

  • The business operations of thread pool members in the front end [Lead Pool] mainly include operations such as receiving, assigning, transferring, withdrawing, and returning.

5.1 Receive

  • Business Description: The enterprise divides the collected clues into the clue pool for unified management according to its own business scenarios. Members of the clue pool can reasonably receive from the clue pool according to their own conditions, such as geographical distance, areas of expertise and other factors, and follow up deal with. On the one hand, it can ensure the initiative and enthusiasm of employees, and on the other hand, it can effectively ensure the conversion rate of leads.

  • Business Conditions: The thread belongs to the lead pool, the status is "unassigned", and the lead pool type is "visible to employees, can be claimed by employees, and can be allocated by administrators".

  • Employees or roles that can perform this action are: Lead pool members

  • Business operation entry: [More] operation in the front-end [Lead Pool] list, and on the thread details page in the front-end [Lead Pool].

5.2 Allocation

  • Business Description: For sensitive or important sales leads, the lead pool administrator can assign designated sales personnel to follow up to ensure the maximum conversion rate of leads.

  • Business Conditions: belongs to the lead pool lead, and the status is "unassigned", "pending", "following up", "invalid".

  • Employees or roles that can perform this action are: Lead Pool Admin

  • Business operation entry: [More] operation in the front-end [Lead Pool] list, and on the thread details page in the front-end [Lead Pool].

  • Business Supplement: In FunShare CRM, there is also another fast lead distribution method, which is the default distribution of lead pools. In "CRM Management-Lead Pool Management", configure the attribute "leads are assigned to by default" for the specified lead pool, and select an employee. When a new sales lead joins this lead pool, it will be automatically assigned to this employee.

5.3 Transfer

  • Business Description: Multiple leads in the lead pool can be transferred to the designated lead pool, or the entire lead pool can be transferred to the designated lead pool.

  • Business Conditions: Leads that belong to the lead pool

  • Employees or roles that can perform this action are: Lead Pool Admin

  • Business Operation Entrance:

    • To transfer one or more specified leads: [More] operation in the [Lead Pool] list at the front end, or on the thread details page in the [Lead Pool] front end.
    • Overall transfer of leads in the lead pool: [CRM Management] - [Lead Pool Management] - Lead Pool Details Page - [Transfer].

5.4 Withdrawal

  • Business Description: Leads are withdrawn by lead pool administrators. The lead owner is empty after retraction.

  • Business Conditions: Belongs to the lead pool lead, whose status is "Pending", "Following up", or "Invalid".

  • Employees or roles that can perform this action are: Lead Pool Admin

  • Business operation entry: [More] operation in the front-end [Lead Pool] list, and on the thread details page in the front-end [Lead Pool].

6. Common Operations for Sales Leads

  • Common operations on the list page, see Common operations on the list page for details;

  • Add sales records, see Sales Records for details;

  • Common business operations, including changing the person in charge, adding relevant team members, printing, importing, exporting, editing, voiding, deleting, etc., see [Common Business Operations]( 856c/863a)

  • Business operations combined with collaborative office, including forwarding, scheduling, reminders, calling, sending emails, etc. For details, see [Common Business Operations] (

7. Related Links

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