1. Add clue pool
- Clue pool name: The name of the clue pool, such as "Trade Fair Lead Pool", "Beijing Lead Pool", "Web Access Lead Pool".
- Administrator: The clue pool administrator has full authority over the clue pool, including allocating, withdrawing or transferring clues to other clue pools.
- Clue Pool Members: You can view and claim unassigned clues in the clue pool, or be assigned to clue pool members by the administrator.
- Clue Pool Type: Configure whether members of the clue pool can view and claim clue pool clues.
- Employees can be seen to collect, manage or assign: that is, members of the lead pool have the "My Workbench-Lead Pool" menu, and can view the unclaimed customers of the lead pool and claim them.
- Employees are not visible, administrators can assign: lead pool members cannot view the lead pool, and can only be assigned by lead pool administrators.
- Employees can be seen to collect, manage or assign: that is, members of the lead pool have the "My Workbench-Lead Pool" menu, and can view the unclaimed customers of the lead pool and claim them.
- Clue Collection Cap: In the current clue pool, each clue pool member can receive the upper limit of clues.
- Notify lead pool administrator when claiming: When selected, when a lead is claimed, the lead pool administrator will be notified, and can be viewed in "CRM Notification".
- Timeout Reminder Rules: Timeout reminders for lead pools include allocation timeout reminders and follow-up timeout reminders. When unassigned leads have timed out and have not been allocated, a CRM notification will be sent to remind the lead pool administrator. Assigned pending leads timeout Send CRM notifications to remind lead owners and lead pool administrators when not followed up.
- If the thread is in the "unassigned" state, that is, when there is no person in charge, the time calculation starts when the thread is created or returned/taken back to the thread pool. If it times out, the thread pool administrator will be prompted.
- If the lead is assigned but not converted, the time calculation is planned from the time the lead is assigned, and if there is a follow-up record, the calculation will stop. If it times out, prompt the thread owner.
- Leads assigned to by default: Leads received by the lead pool will be assigned to the selected employee by default
- Public field setting: Used for which fields are visible to the members of the lead pool before the leads are collected, so as to better protect enterprise resource information. If there is "telephone" information in the clue, if the clue has not been claimed, members are not allowed to see it, so as to prevent the clue pool members from contacting privately.
- Allow lead pool members to view and edit related team and sales records before receiving leads: If unchecked, lead pool members cannot view lead sales records, edit related team members and other information.
Two, delete
When deleting the thread pool, you can choose to transfer the existing thread to another thread pool or delete it directly:
1. Transfer to another lead pool: select lead pool and switch
2. Delete clues directly: Delete clues directly.
3. Transfer
That is to say, all sales leads under this lead pool are transferred to other lead pools.