1. Add/Delete Customer Service Staff
There are two ways to add customer service staff:
--- Support adding by single user, customer service added in this way (adding by personnel) can be manually deleted.
--- Add by department is supported. The customer service personnel added in this way (by department) cannot be manually deleted; when the department personnel in the organizational structure change, the system will automatically add or remove customer service personnel from the corresponding customer service group.
Note: When adding a customer service staff, you need to maintain the customer service group data of the person. If the group of the person has not been maintained, please maintain the customer service group first under the [Customer Service Group] setting

Add Customer Service Staff

2. Add/Delete Customer Service Group
When adding a customer service group, the following data can be maintained:
--- You can set the name and working hours of the customer service group.
---You can directly add the customer service personnel of this group when maintaining the group, and you can add it by individual personnel or by department.
---You can edit the existing customer service group information, such as changing the name and working hours.