Measures Management

The measures management page is the place to store and manage the current enterprise themes and measures. Only CRM administrators and report administrators can enter this page. You can analyze requirements according to enterprises, modify and create new preset measures rules, etc. on this page.

1. Measures Management Page

  • Menu Entry:
    • CRM→Data Analysis→Measures Management
    • CRM→Data Analysis→Reports→Measures Management

2. Theme List Page

2.1 Actionable Items on Theme List Page

  • Objects: analysis objects under the current topic list
  • Status: The status of the current topic
    • Enabled: Topics whose status is enabled
    • Disabled: Topics whose status is deactivated
  • Time Zone: The current theme contains indicators of this time zone (if the enterprise has enabled the multi-time zone function, this configuration will appear)
  • Search: You can fuzzily search for topics that contain this keyword in the topic name
  • Query Unused Measures: You can click to query the indicators that are not used by the statistical chart of the current enterprise, and deactivate or delete them
  • New Theme: When there is no analysis theme in the statistical chart, the CRM administrator and report administrator need to create a theme of the custom object in the measures management menu.
  • Disable Theme: All currently selected themes will be disabled
  • Disable & Delete Theme: the currently selected theme will be deactivated and deleted. When there is a preset theme in the selected theme, the preset theme will only be deactivated and will not be deleted
  • Enable Theme: the currently selected theme will be enabled
  • Delete Theme: the currently selected theme will be deleted, when there is a preset theme in the selected theme, the preset theme will not be deleted
  • Disable Measures: indicators under the currently selected topic will be disabled
  • Disable & Delete Measures: indicators under the currently selected topic will be deactivated and deleted. When there are preset indicators in the selected topic, the preset indicators will not be deleted
  • Enable Measures: indicators under the currently selected topic will be enabled
  • Modify Time Zone: The time zone of indicators under all currently selected topics can be modified in batches (this configuration will appear if the enterprise has enabled the multi-time zone function)
  • Query Unused Measures: When the number of custom indicators reaches the upper limit, when the user deactivates the indicators, because he cannot directly see which indicators are applied to the statistical chart, there may be cases where some indicators in use are stopped by mistake, but when After the user clicks the button to query unused indicators, the unused indicators can be detected, and can be further selected to deactivate and delete
    • Disable: Metrics will only be disabled, still visible under the topic and re-enabled
    • Disable & Delete: the indicator will be deactivated and deleted, and will not be queried on the statistics indicator management page

2.2 Other Actions on Theme List Page

  • Display Theme Measure Resources: display the current enterprise custom theme and indicator quota and usage
  • Adjust Page Layout: You can modify the number of rows displayed on each page of the current page, the row height of the table, etc. After the setting is completed, it will take effect synchronously to the measures list page

3. Measures List Page

3.1 Actionable Items on Measures List Page

  • Object: The index that can be filtered for the assessment object of the index
  • Status: The status of the current topic
    • Enabled: indicator initialized, statistics can be used and viewed
    • Disabled: Deactivated metric, not available
    • Initializing: For newly added measures, the system needs to be initialized and can be used, but the statistics value can be viewed the next day
    • Trial Calculation Data: first immediately try to calculate the data in the most recent period for indicator debugging, and the full amount of historical data will be calculated that night
  • Time Zone: It can be filtered as an indicator of this time zone (if the enterprise has enabled the multi-time zone function, this configuration will appear)
  • Search: You can fuzzily search for indicators that contain this keyword in the indicator name
  • New Measures: When the preset measures cannot meet the needs or need to analyze custom fields, CRM administrators and report administrators can create new indicators under the measures management menu
  • If the enterprise has enabled the multi-time zone function, you can customize the statistical time zone of the indicator when creating a new indicator. The default is the tenant-level time zone. When the aggregation date selection is empty, the statistical time zone is not available. When the field attribute of the aggregated date is set to not use multiple time zones, the statistics time zone is fixed as [Business Occurrence Time Zone]. Changing the time zone of the indicator triggers the initialization of the indicator
  • Disable: currently selected indicators will be disabled
  • Disable & Delete Measures: currently selected indicators will be deactivated and deleted. When there are preset indicators in the selected topic, the preset indicators will not be deleted
  • Enable Measures: currently selected indicators will be enabled
  • Modify Time Zone: The time zone of the currently selected indicators can be modified in batches (if the enterprise has enabled the multi-time zone function, this configuration will appear)

3.2 Other Actions on Measures List Page

    • Adjust Page Layout: You can modify the number of rows displayed on each page of the current page, the row height of the table, etc. After the setting is completed, it will be synchronized to the theme list page
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