Usage Scenes
When self-owned content or content produced by a third-party system needs to be promoted through E-Marketing, you can push the H5 link or QR code poster of the external system through E-Marketing, and issue promotion parameters (market activities, current promotion tasks, promotion employees) etc.) to the external system, if the external system supports the recording of these parameters, it supports sending back to the marketing channel for full link tracking
Instructions for Use
1. External H5 Content Promotion: In the marketing campaign details page, click Add External Promotion Content in the promotion content column to configure external content. For example, you can use the promotion pages of external systems such as Yiqixiu and Rabbit Exhibition. These external contents initiate all-staff promotion or mass push. Information about promoters will also be recorded

2. External Poster Content Promotion: Promote the content of docking external systems, such as dynamically generating QR codes for external products, and tracking full-link data such as subsequent visits, registrations, and orders after promotion, and accurately assessing the value of activities. Operation path: [System Settings>Marketing Plug-in>External Promotion Code Docking], first, after enabling the plug-in configuration, you need to set the QR code generation address of the external system, and configure the external promotion QR code poster in live broadcasts, conferences and other activities and send promotion tasks > employee promotion related content > accounts access external content > system returns external promotion data > view promotion conversion details and complete full link data tracking. The interface for generating QR codes needs to be provided in the docking configuration. When E-Marketing generates posters, it will be automatically called and dynamically generated into the posters. Later, the parameters received by the external system can be sent back to the CRM object for overall data analysis.
a. First configure the QR code generation address in [System Settings>Marketing Plug-in>External Promotion Code Connection], which will be used to automatically generate the QR code on the poster later. This address does not need to be authorized, and supports the transmission of personalized parameters, such as adding the current account information after the link. Later, it will be passed to the QR code interface

b. Data Return Settings. If you have more detailed operational needs, you can add a [External Data Promotion Details] object in CRM to receive access, registration, and order information returned by external systems. When calling the QR code generation interface, the marketing event parameters and promotion employee parameters will be passed to the customer system, and the customer needs to save the data and call the CRM custom object interface to send back. Then associate this object with the E-Marketing marketing campaign, and you can do conversion funnel analysis based on this campaign

c. Event Poster Launch: After enabling the plug-in, when making external posters in [Campaign Marketing], [Conference Marketing], and [Live Marketing], external parameter settings can be supported, such as links to product details pages, product numbers, etc., which can be customized The parameters will be sent back to the QR code interface for subsequent custom business logic. After the poster is made, it can be promoted directly to all employees and distributed to employees. When employees are promoting tasks, they will dynamically pass the mobile phone number on the current employee's business card to the QR code generation interface, and the external system can read this parameter to match the identity of the external employee.