Guide on Using Custom Form on Official Website


Some accounts' official website registration forms have independent business logic. For example, after the registration form, the trial account of the self-developed system is automatically opened and can jump to the login system. The existing micro-page form capability of E-Marketing is suitable for businesses that only submit information without complex logic. At present, the account usually implements it by directly going to the account's own system to complete the business logic processing, and then calling the ShareCRM leads API to store in the sales leads. Since the E-Marketing form is not used, the visitor identity and leads identity which is passed in through api cannot be opened. Therefore, the historical behavior records of accounts on the official website cannot be seen on the leads. Therefore, the E-Marketing side provides an additional set of identity connection capabilities, binding leads and visitor identities.

Docking Logic

1. When a user visits the official website, E-Marketing will generate a visitor ID and record the behavior of the current user visiting the official website page. Among them, the visitor ID of the official website is obtained through the method window.FsYxt.FSscriptArgs.fsWebsiteUid after embedding the E-Marketing code SDK on the official website (it needs to be handled by the official website development staff)
2. When the official website uses the CRM leads API to submit leads, the account needs to store the visitor ID of the official website in a custom field in the thread, because the E-Marketing channel also stores a visitor ID of the official website, and later merge marketing users based on these two IDs identity.
3. After the account leaves a consultation on the official website and creates a lead to CRM, at this time, the visitor ID and lead ID are used to associate or merge marketing user identities.
4. This ability is a grayscale configuration ability. If you need to use it, please contact your account manager to apply.
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