Preparation before Use

Before starting to use it, we first understand the basic process of a ToB enterprise conducting bidding promotion on Baidu to attract accounts to the official website:
1. On the Baidu marketing client, set the UTM parameters of the target page URL
In the explanation of terms, we also mentioned that UTM parameters are settings used by the industry to uniformly track traffic sources. The most common UTM parameters are defined as follows:
- Ad Source (utm_source): Used to identify the traffic source website, search engine or other source. Example: utm_source=baidu - Advertising Medium (utm_medium): Used to identify the medium, such as email or CPC. Example: utm_medium=cpc - Ad Name (utm_campaign): Used to identify a specific product promotion. Example: utm_campaign=B2B_CRM system promotion - Ad content (utm_content): Use utm_content to distinguish ads or links pointing to the same URL. Example: utm_content=logolink - Ad Keyword (utm_term): A term commonly used in paid keyword ads or an alt text for a link name image. Example: utm_term=CRM
After setting the corresponding UTM parameters for the target page URL on the advertising platform, the source URL of all visitors to the enterprise's official website will have UTM parameter information;
2. Embed the E-Marketing tracking code on the official website of the enterprise to track the visitors of the official website
For the detailed access steps to the enterprise's official website, please refer to: Bind Enterprise's Official Website.
3. Embed the E-Marketing form on the enterprise's official website to save the official website funds into the CRM leads pool and open up advertising data
For the detailed access steps to the enterprise's official website, please refer to: Bind Enterprise's Official Website.
4. Access Baidu account
For detailed access steps, please refer to: Access Baidu Advertising.
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