1. Template Message Using Standards
Template messages are only used for official accounts to send important service notifications to users, and can only be used in service scenes that meet their requirements, such as event registration success notifications, audit result notifications, business flow notifications, etc.;
Marketing messages such as advertisements and other messages that may harass users are not supported;
Please follow the WeChat Template Message Operation Standards when using the template message group sending function.
1.1 Send Template Message Manually
1) In the list of participants or participants of events, live and conferences, select the event registration users who need to be sent notifications to send notifications.

2) Select the official account in the sending channel of the message notification window, and click the [Edit] button to edit the message content.

3) Select the corresponding message template as needed, set the message content and click the [Save] button to go back to the message notification.

4) Check the sending object and notification content, determine the sending time of the message notification, and click [Confirm Sending] to execute the message sending.

5) Access the [Promotion Radar] under the event to view the sending status.

Template Message Rendering User Received:

1.2 Automatically Send Template Messages
Visit [SOP] under the event and push relevant notification content to users in scenes such as user registration, on-site sign-in, and form submission through SOP or marketing processes;