1. Employee Management
As an administrator, you can perform the following employee management tasks:
- New & Edit Employees
- Assign Role Permissions
- Send Activation Reminder
- Reset Password
- Forbid Login/Allow Login
- Disable/Enable
2. Add & Edit Employees
Administrators can create new employees in "System Management - Organization Structure Management - Departments & Employees".
- Main Department: The main department to which the employee belongs. When approving in the approval process or business process, the person in charge of the user's main department can be selected for approval.
- Affiliated Department: It refers to other related departments affiliated to the employee, used to view the related data of other departments.
- Reporting Object: the employee's direct superior, the default is the department leader of the main department, which can be modified. In the business object, such as the account list view, the "account under my subordinate's responsibility" refers to the account whose reporting object is the current employee.
- Mobile Number: It is the mobile phone number bound to the employee, which is not allowed to be repeated in the current enterprise. The mobile phone number is used as the system login account by default, and can receive account activation invitations and system verification codes.
3. Other Actions
3.1 Assign Role Permissions
The administrator adds employees under "All CRM Users" in [System Management/Role Permission Management/Business Function Permissions], and specifies the business roles authorized to employees. Whether the "CRM" application can be added and the number of CRM employees are determined according to the purchase license of your enterprise.

3.2 Reset Password
When an employee forgets their password, they can directly retrieve and reset their password through the Forgot Password link on the login page; they can also contact the administrator to set a new password directly from the background.

3.3 Forbid Login/Allow Login
When there are information security risks such as leakage of employee account passwords, administrators can temporarily prohibit account login to ensure that employee accounts are unavailable. After the account security risk is removed, you can operate to allow login and restore the normal use of the user account.
3.4 Disable/Enable
When an employee no longer uses the system due to resignation or other reasons, he can select to disable the employee account for a long time. If subsequent employees are reinstated, they can re-enable the account to resume use.