1. New or Edit General Option Set
Location: Under Object Management, find the [General Options Set] menu
On the [General Option Set] page, click New General Option Set, or edit an existing custom General Option Set
Set the key information of the general option set:
| Configuration Items | Description |
| Name| The name of the general option set, this name will be displayed in the list of [General option set] page and other places that need to use the general option set. It is recommended to use something meaningful as the name of the generic option set. |
|apiname| The unique identifier of the general option set, which will be automatically generated by the system when creating a new one, and used in code reference|
|Description| The description of the general option set, and the description information will be displayed in the list on the [General option set list] page. In order to facilitate the distinction between general option sets and quickly understand the role of general option sets, it is recommended to fill in a brief description of the role of the general option sets |
|Option Settings| Enter options in the text box and add, repeat the above steps to add multiple options; you can also create new option information in batches, press enter and line feed to add multiple at the same time. |

2. View References of General Option Set
On the [General Option Set] list page, click the "Reference" button of the corresponding option set operation to view which fields of the general option set are referenced by which objects.

3. Delete or Disable General Option Set
The system cannot directly disable the entire general option set, but for the option list values that are not needed for the time being in the general option set, you can set their status to "disabled" and enable them again when necessary.
General option sets that are no longer needed can be deleted. On the [General Option Set] page, click the Delete button next to the corresponding option set to delete the general option set.
- If the general option set has been referenced by the object, the general option set cannot be deleted.
- Each general option set can add up to 1000 options by default
- There is a limit of 20 general option sets that enterprises can add