Create Custom Object Association Relationships

1. Create Association Relationship between Two Objects

  • Create the association relationship between the custom object and other objects or itself through the lookup association field in the added field.
  • Example: Create a one-to-many relationship between a customer and a custom object ticket. First add a field of the lookup association type in the work order object; select the lookup association object as "customer"; after setting other related content, the one-to-many relationship between the customer and the work order is established.
  • Objects support finding associations with each other
  • It only supports association between two objects, and multiple objects cannot be associated in a ring
  • Calculated fields can refer to each other, and no statistics can be made between two objects

2. Display Form of Two Objects

1. When creating a new work order, the work order can be associated with an account.
2. The display of this work order in the account. Depending on whether the associated fields are required, the operations displayed in the account list are different.
  • If this field is required, it can only be "New";
  • If this field is set to "Not Mandatory", the operations that can be performed include new creation, association, and disassociation.
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