Fields & Field Dependency

1. Field Overview

  • The specific information of each object is carried by fields. Enterprises can add corresponding fields for data maintenance according to business needs. An object can support up to 500 fields.
  • New Field Entry: Admin background - Object management - Preset/custom object management, select an object that needs to be configured and click Add Field
  • Currently supports 32 field types and 3 business components. The applicable conditions of each type of field or business component are shown in the table below:
Field Type Description Example Remarks
Single-line Text Suitable for short text, such as "Name" Text (example) Field value up to 200 characters
Multi-line text Applicable to fill in large paragraphs of text, such as "remarks", "suggestions" This is a long text usually longer than 10 words (example) Field value can be up to 5000 characters
Rich Text Text suitable for content with mixed graphics and text, such as "product description" Text + picture (example) Field value up to 131,072 characters
Single-select Suitable for selecting one of several options, such as voting, "male/female" Grade A (example) Option values ​​up to 3000
Multi-select Suitable for selecting multiple options, such as voting A, B (example) Option values ​​up to 3000
Number Suitable for filling numbers such as age, order quantity 10.01 (example)
Amount Applicable to fill in numbers, with thousands, such as order amount 66.66 (example)
Date Suitable for selecting a specific date: 2099-12-31 2099-12-31 (example) The date field supports [year-month-day] [year-month] [year-quarter] [year] format deformation
Time for selecting a specific time: 16:31 16:31 (example)
Date & Time suitable for selecting a specific unique point in time: 2099-12-31 16:31 2099-12-31 16:31 (example)
Mobile Used to enter mobile phone number 18888889999 (example)
Image The picture type is suitable for uploading pictures as more vivid supplementary information. Support watermark photo, support OCR text recognition. Each object can be added up to 20, and resource packs are supported
Attachments The attachment type is suitable for uploading files, and the maximum number of uploaded attachments can be set Each object can add up to 50, support for purchasing resource packs
Large Attachments The attachment type is suitable for uploading more than 100M files Each object can add up to 1, resource packs are not currently supported
Email Used to enter email address [email protected] (example)
Boolean Value used to select "yes" or "no" yes (example)
Percentage used for entering and displaying percents 90% (example)
Website For entering URL (example)
Find Associations Used to establish an association between the current object and other objects (or itself) Text or code 2019000001 (example) Each object can add up to 10, support for purchasing resource packs
Main-sub Relationship It supports defining a special master-slave object association relationship, and the data permissions of the slave objects are controlled by the permissions of the master object. Order - Order product. Each object can add up to 1
Reference Fields Support cross-object data value, such as the product information in the order product to display the custom information of the product itself Each object can add up to 20, support the purchase of resource packs
Self-increment Number The system automatically generates a code according to the rules, which cannot be modified 20191219-00001 Each object can add up to 10, and the purchase of resource packs is supported
Calculation Fields It is used to calculate the result of the specified field through the calculation formula. The result types that can be obtained: numeric value, percentage, date, Boolean value, etc. 66.66 (example) Each object can add up to 20, and supports the purchase of resource packs
Statistics Fields Support cross-object data summary scenarios: similar to the payment amount field in an order Each object can add up to 20, and support the purchase of resource packs
Department Used to select a designated department within the company Sales department (example)
Personnel Used to select designated personnel within the company Zhang San (example)
Location Used to create positioning information, which can display location information on the map Satellite Building, No. 63, Zhichun Road, Haidian District, Beijing (example)
Signature Support for entering signature information of personnel.
Region Location Component Specific geographical location information for recording business data
Sign-in Component This field can be used to record when, where and for how long the business was performed. Each object can add up to 1
Payment Component You can complete business collection by defining this field, and collect money to the specified account. Each object can add up to 1

1.1 Field Basic Attributes

  1. The field name and API name of the custom field: the field name cannot be repeated in this object, and the API name is mainly provided for developers to use. If it is not necessary, it is recommended not to modify it.

  2. Default Value: You can set a default value for each field, and the default values ​​set for different field types are different.

  • Single-line text, multi-line text, percentage: You can enter a piece of text as the default value of the field, or enter a formula to calculate the default value.
  • Rich text, email address, URL: only one paragraph of text can be entered as the default value of the field
  • Number, amount fields: You can enter a calculation formula as the default value. The fields that can be selected to participate in the calculation are the number and amount type fields defined in the current object. For example: sales order amount = quantity * unit price, when editing the value of quantity and unit price in the new/edit interface, the sales order amount is automatically calculated.
  • Boolean value: can be set to have "yes/no" as the default value; option value supports modifying the name.
  • Mobile phone: Support setting default value, the default value can only be the mobile phone/telephone type field in other objects in the lookup relationship.
  • Single choice, multiple choice: You can set an option value as the default value.
  • Date, DateTime, Time: A calculation formula can be entered as a default value.
  1. Prompt information: You can set some prompt information for this field, which can be seen on the new, edit, and detail pages.

  2. Whether to allow duplication: If you select 'No', the uniqueness of the data will be verified, and the values ​​of this field are completely consistent and cannot be created, edited, saved, or imported.

  3. Is it required: Select 'Yes', this field must be filled in scenarios such as creating, editing, and importing, otherwise it cannot be saved.

1.1.1 Main-sub Field

  1. Field Description: In the one-to-many relationship between the main business and the detail business, this field can be added to the detail business object. After the addition is complete, you can choose to create details in batches at the same time when creating a new main business. The data permissions of the detailed business are consistent with those of the main business.

  2. When you can set a new main business, the subordinate business is required.

  3. A master object can set up to 5 slave objects. An object only supports setting one master-detail field.

  4. The master-slave relationship cannot be set to multiple levels. For example: C is a child object of B, and the B object cannot set the master-slave field.

  5. Cascading operations: invalidate/recover/delete subordinate objects synchronously when invalidating/recovering/deleting primary objects. The modification records of the subordinate objects will be displayed synchronously with the modification records of the master object.

  6. The master and slave data states are fully synchronized, and when [voiding/locking/unlocking] the master object, it also synchronizes [voiding/locking/unlocking] the slave object.

  7. Slave objects (both master and slave are created at the same time) cannot configure the approval flow separately, and the change of the slave object will trigger the approval of the master object. Any change of the slave object will trigger the approval of the master object, and the change content of master and slave can be displayed simultaneously in the approval process.

  8. You can never create mapping rules independently, and you can map both master and slave at the same time.

  9. When creating/editing a master-slave, the sorting of slave objects can be customized, and the sorted results can be displayed on the list page

    1. This function does not currently support the following objects (the following objects have a sorting field to set sorting): commodity, product, specification, specification value, price list details, and unit;
    2. Mobile phone sorting is not supported for now, and the mobile phone will display the sorting results according to the web side;
    3. The template printing results will also be displayed according to the sorted results.
    4. The number of slave objects is 200 by default. If you need to increase the number of slave objects, you can purchase resource packs for slave objects. Each resource pack contains 100 slave objects. You can purchase up to 3 resource packs.

1.1.2 Statistical fields

  1. Field description: Support to create a new object in the master object of the association relationship and master-slave relationship, and perform statistical operations on the slave object itself or a certain field.

  2. Support statistical methods

  • COUNT (count): the number of statistical data, such as the number of contacts under the customer.
  • SUM (summation): Count the sum of a certain field, such as the total amount of products under a sales order.
  • MAX (maximum): Count the maximum value of a certain field, such as the maximum amount of business opportunities placed by customers.
  • MIN (minimum): Calculate the minimum value of a certain field, such as the lowest sales fee for a customer.
  • AVG (average): Calculate the average value of a certain field, such as the average discount of the order product.
  1. Support setting filter conditions:
  • Statistical fields with filter conditions will not appear in the object's new/edit interface.
  • Fields referenced by filter conditions will not be disabled.
  • The system needs to recalculate all data when the filter conditions are changed. Do not modify the filter conditions frequently.
  • Statistical field filter conditions support finding related fields as conditions.
  1. Support calculation rule configuration: calculation rule setting, support rounding, up value, down value; when the statistical result is empty, the default is empty (display --), the default is 0

1.1.3 Calculation Fields

  • The insertion field of a calculated field can support inserting radio, single-line text, multi-line text, time, URL, Boolean value, mobile phone, number, percentage, mailbox, person, calculated field, and statistical field, which can be calculated as variables.
  • Calculated fields support finding the calculated fields of associated objects. Note: To find the statistical fields of associated objects, you need to count common fields
  • Calculated fields support referencing to find statistical fields of associated objects
  • The default value formula supports finding calculated fields of associated objects
  • Support for inserting functions when setting formulas for calculated fields and default values ​​of preset objects.
返回值类型 运算符/函数 参数 功能 备注及实例
通用 () 标注运算符优先级
输入参数有关 IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false) 参数个数:3,参数类型:第一个为布尔类型,第二个和第三个必须为同一种类型 判断条件是否为true,如果为true,则返回return_true_value,否则返回return_false_value其中,return_true_value和return_false_value必须为同一类型,返回值类型也为该类型 例如:34 = IF(true, 34, 52)
输入参数有关 CASE(expression, value1, result1, value2, result2,...,else_result) 参数个数:不定,参数类型:result(n)和else_result必须为同一种类型 根据满足不同的条件,返回满足条件的值。其中expression的值与value(n)进行比较,value(x)与expression的值一致,则返回对应的result(n),如果都不一致,则返回else_result;其中,result(n)和else_result必须为同一种类型,返回值类型也为该类型 例如:33 = CASE(3, 2, 2, 3, 33, 1.3)
输入参数有关 NULLVALUE(expression, substitute_expression) 参数个数:2,参数类型:第一个为布尔类型,第二个参数可以为各种类型 判断条件是否为空,如果是,则返回return_value,如果否,返回空;其中,返回值类型也为第二个参数的类型 例如:1 = NULLVALUE(Null, 1)
数值 +,-,*,/ 参数个数:2,参数类型:数值,百分比,金额 进行数值的加减乘除运算 例如:6 = (3+2)*6/5
数值 - 参数个数:2,参数类型:均为日期,以天为单位 运算日期的差值,以天为单位 例如:a的值为1982-04-13,b的值为1982-03-20,24 = a - b
数值 - 参数个数:2,参数类型:均为日期时间,以小时为单位 运算日期时间的差值,以小时为单位 例如:a的值为1982-04-13 17:00:00,b的值为1982-04-12 15:00:00,26 = a - b
数值 - 参数个数:2,参数类型:均为时间,以小时为单位 运算时间的差值,以小时为单位 例如:a的值为17:00:00,b的值为15:00:00,2 = a - b
数值 VALUE(string) 参数个数:1,参数类型:文本类型 将文本形式的数字转化成数字,支持负数和小数,如果转化不成功,返回空 例如:-1982.0413 = VALUE('-1982.0413'),Null = VALUE('aaa')
数值 MIN(number1,number2) 参数个数:2,参数类型:均为数值类型 返回两个参数中最小的一个 例如:4 = MIN(4,13)
数值 MAX(number1,number2) 参数个数:2,参数类型:均为数值类型 返回两个参数中最大的一个 例如:13 = MAX(4,13)
数值 MULTIPLE(number1,number2) 参数个数:2,参数类型:均为数值类型 返回数字1乘以数字2的结果 例如:52 = MULTIPLE(4,13)
数值 MOD(number1,number2) 参数个数:2,参数类型:均为数值类型 返回数字1被数字2除后的整数部分 例如:3 = MOD(13,4)
数值 ADDS(number1,number2) 参数个数:2,参数类型:均为数值类型 返回数字1加上数字2的结果 例如:17 = ADDS(13,4)
数值 SUBTRACTS(number1,number2) 参数个数:2,参数类型:均为数值类型 返回数字1减去数字2的结果 例如:9 = SUBTRACTS(13,4)
数值 YEAR(date) 参数个数:1,参数类型:日期,或日期时间类型 用于获取参数中的年的数值 例如:a = 1982-04-13,1982 = YEAR(a)
数值 MONTH(date) 参数个数:1,参数类型:日期,或日期时间类型 用于获取参数中的月的数值 例如:a = 1982-04-13,4 = MONTH(a)
数值 DAY(date) 参数个数:1,参数类型:日期,或日期时间类型 用于获取参数中的日的数值 例如:a = 1982-04-13,13 = DAY(a)=
数值 LEN(text) 参数个数:1,参数类型:文本型 返回字符串的长度 例如:6=LEN('xiaoke')
百分比 +,-,*,/ 参数个数:2,参数类型:数值,百分比,金额 进行数值的加减乘除运算,以百分比形式返回
日期时间类型的中间值 YEARS(number) 参数个数:1,参数类型:数值型 设定一个数值,作为一个“年”的数值应用在指定日期/日期时间的运算中 例如:2019-09-09=TODAY()+YEARS(1),其中,TODAY()假设为 2018-09-09
日期时间类型的中间值 MONTHS(number) 参数个数:1,参数类型:数值型 设定一个数值,作为一个“月”的数值应用在指定日期/日期时间的运算中 例如:2019-09-09=TODAY()+MONTHS(1),其中,TODAY()假设为 2019-08-09
日期时间类型的中间值 DAYS(number) 参数个数:1,参数类型:数值型 设定一个数值,作为一个“日”的数值应用在指定日期/日期时间的运算中 例如:2019-09-09=TODAY()+DAYS(1),其中,TODAY()假设为 2019-09-08
日期时间类型的中间值 HOURS(number) 参数个数:1,参数类型:数值型 设定一个数值,作为一个“小时”的数值应用在指定日期时间的运算中 例如:HOURS(4)
日期时间类型的中间值 MINUTES(number) 参数个数:1,参数类型:数值型 设定一个数值,作为一个“分钟”的数值应用在指定日期时间的运算中 例如:MINUTES(4)
日期 +,- 参数个数:2,参数类型:第一个为日期类型,第二个为由YEARS、MONTHS、DAYS计算出的时间 进行日期运算,得出新的日期值 例如:Creatdate+DAYS(4),得到创建时间+4天后的日期
日期 DATE(year,month,day) 参数个数:3,参数类型:数值 通过数值,创建一个日期类型值 例如:1982-4-13=DATE(1982,4,13)
日期 DATEVALUE(string) 参数个数:1,参数类型:字符串 通过字符串,创建一个日期类型值 例如:1982-4-13=DATEVALUE('1982-04-13')
日期 TODAY() 无参数 返回当前的日期
日期 DATETIMETODATE(datetime) 参数个数:1,参数类型:日期时间类型公式 返回日期时间字段中的日期 例如:1982-4-13=DATEVALUE('1982-04-13 17:00:00')
日期时间 +,- 参数个数:2,参数类型:第一个为日期时间类型,第二个为由YEARS、MONTHS、DAYS,HOURS,MINUTES计算出的时间 进行日期时间运算,得出新的日期时间值 例如:DeadlineTime-DAYS(1),得到截止时间前一天的时间
日期时间 DATETIMEVALUE(string) 参数个数:1,参数类型:字符串 通过字符串,创建一个日期时间类型值 例如:2001-08-24 15:45:25 = DATETIMEVALUE('2001-08-24 15:45:25')
日期时间 NOW() 无参数 返回当前的日期时间
时间 +,- 参数个数:2,参数类型:第一个为日期时间类型,第二个为由HOURS,MINUTES计算出的时间 进行时间运算,得出新的日期时间值 例如:submitDailyReport-HOURS(1),得到提交工作日报的前一小时的时间。注意:时间类型的值如果经过计算后的结果只在00:00到23:59之间
日期时间 DATETIMETOTIME(datetime) 参数个数:1,参数类型:日期时间类型公式 返回日期时间字段中的时间 例如:17:02:40=DATEVALUE('1982-04-13 17:02:40')
文本 & 参数个数:2,参数类型:均为文本类型 字符串组合 例如:“张三”&“李四” 的值为 张三李四
文本 '' 参数个数:1,参数类型:字符串 插入单行文本常量 例如:'单行文本'
文本 '''''' 参数个数:1,参数类型:字符串 插入多行文本常量 例如:'''多行文本'''
文本 NUMBERSTRING(number) 参数个数:1,参数类型:数值,金额 将数字转化成中文大写数字展示 例如:壹拾玖万捌仟贰佰零肆点壹叁 =NUMBERSTRING(198204.13)
文本 NUMBERSTRINGRMB(number) 参数个数:1,参数类型:数值,金额 将数字转化成中文大写金额展示,最多支持到叫角,分 例如:壹拾玖万捌仟贰佰零肆元壹角叁分 =NUMBERSTRINGRMB(198204.13)
布尔 <,>, >=,<=,≠ 参数个数:2,参数类型:均为数值型,百分比,金额 数值类型进行比较,返回true或false 例如:true = 1 < 2;false = 2 < 1
布尔 AND(boolean1,boolean2,boolean3,...) 参数个数:多个,参数类型:布尔型 逻辑与,若多个条件运算结果都为true,则结果为true 例如:true = AND( 2>1 ,5>3)
布尔 OR(boolean1,boolean2,...) 参数个数:多个,参数类型:布尔型 逻辑或,若其中一个条件运算结果都为true,则结果为true 例如:true = OR( 2>1 ,5<3)
布尔 NOT(boolean) 参数个数:1,参数类型:布尔型 若条件为true,则结果为false,反之,结果为true 例如:false = NOT(2>1)
布尔 ISNULL(expression) 参数个数:1,参数类型:不限 判断表达式结果是否为空,如果为空,返回true,反之为false 例如:false = ISNULL(5)
布尔 ISNUMBER(string) 参数个数:1,参数类型:字符串 判断expression字符串是否可以转为数字 例如:true = ISNUMBER('5')
布尔 STARTWITH(string1, string2) 参数个数:2,参数类型:字符串 返回字符串是否以查询字符串开始的结果 例如:true = STARTWITH( 'abcdef' , 'ab' )
布尔 ENDWITH(string1, string2) 参数个数:2,参数类型:字符串 返回字符串是否以查询字符串结束的结果 例如:true = ENDWITH( 'aecdab' , 'ab' )
布尔 EQUALS(string1, string2) 参数个数:2,参数类型:字符串 返回字符串是否等于查询字符串的结果(跟大小写相关) 例如:true = EQUALS( 'aecdab' , 'aecdab' )
布尔 CONTAINS(string1, string2) 参数个数:2,参数类型:字符串 返回查询字符串在字符串中的匹配结果(true,false) 例如:false = CONTAINS( 'abcdef' , 'kl' )

1.1.4 Reference fields

  • Support cross-object data value, and display the information of a certain field of one party in the many parties in the one-to-many relationship.

  • Reference fields will be displayed on new, edit, detail and list pages.

  • The difference from the default value: the reference field will change with the value of the field it refers to, but the default value of the field will not.

    Tips: If the reference fields refer to the search association fields, department fields, and personnel fields of the reference search association object, they do not support filtering, and other field types can be configured in the field management to support filtering.

1.1.5 Image Fields

  • The picture field supports watermark photography, and the watermark content supports customization
    • Three variables are preset by default: current user, current time, current address
    • The maximum number of watermark fields cannot exceed 5, and the selected fields in the watermark cannot be added repeatedly
  • The image field supports the maximum and minimum number of uploads

  • Support OCR text recognition

    Tips: OCR Instructions
    1. To enable the OCR capability in the image type, you need to select the recognition type and create a field where you want to store the recognition information
    2. Next, find the details page of the object (or create a new edit page layout) > UI Events > Data Update Events, and use the image field with the OCR capability just configured as the trigger field
    3. Add functions, each type of OCR recognition has a corresponding template function
    4. After selecting the template to replace the field variables, save the function and save the layout after the replacement

1.1.6 Find associated fields

  • Supports the formation of a 1-to-many relationship between 2 objects, and finds associated fields in the multi-party definition.
  • Support setting the data range that can be selected for searching associated objects: all, according to conditions
  • After setting: The data that can be selected for association must meet the conditions; on the details page of finding the associated object, create new related object data, check whether the data meets the filtering conditions, and if it does not meet the requirements, you cannot create new related data.
  • Support setting the default value: for example, the order is associated with the customer, and the payment is associated with the order and the customer (order, customer, and payment have a triangular relationship). When you want to create a new payment, select the order and bring the customer name of the order to the payment. The customer name field of the customer name field, you can set the default value in the customer name field under the payment return, and the value is the customer name field under the order.
  • Support [based on custom function] to set the range
    • Only one custom function can be added to a setting condition, and the return value of the function must be a data set.
    • The number of return values ​​of the function shall not exceed 500. If it exceeds, the first 500 data will be returned.
  • Search related fields support setting filter conditions according to the search related fields of the main object as conditions
    • Scenario 1: After the customer places an order, when the manufacturer delivers the goods, the delivery details can only select products under the corresponding order to be delivered, that is, adding order products to the delivery order details supports filtering according to the corresponding order
    • Scenario 2: The quotation is transferred to the order, and the product added to the order product needs to be added within the product range in the quotation details

1.1.7 Sign-in Component

  • After adding the sign-in component, you can perform sign-in/check-out.
  • You can set whether to enable sign-out according to your needs.
  • Check-in component can set target value and tolerance range.
  • Record where, when, and for how long the business was conducted.

1.1.8 Collection Component

  • Add a collection component to the custom object, so that the object can directly have the function of collecting money to the enterprise wallet.

    Tips: Instructions for use
    1. The enterprise needs to bind a third-party account (WeChat, Alipay) in the enterprise wallet
    2. After accessing Alipay or WeChat payment, both the QR code collection and Dianhutong application can use Alipay payment or WeChat payment

1.2 System Standard Fields

  • System standard fields: After each object is created, there are "main attribute", "person in charge", "main department of the person in charge", "business type", "life state", "belonging department", "creator", "Creation time", "Last modification person", "Last modification time", "External responsible person", "Lock status" 11 system standard fields, among which "Main attribute", "Person in charge", "Belonging department" support editing , and the rest of the fields are not editable.

2. Set Field Dependency

  • Usage Scene: When you need to generate a dependency on two fields, such as setting a personalized industry classification, you can use the field dependency.

  • Usage: First create all the optional fields of the first-level industry and the second-level industry, and then establish the relationship between the two fields in the field dependency.

    1. The parent field can only be a single-choice field, and the child field can be a single-choice field or a multi-choice field.
    2. Up to 10 levels of dependencies can be set.
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