Custom Object Management

I. Overview

In addition to the preset objects provided by the system, enterprises can create custom objects (functional modules) that meet their own requirements, and establish associations between this object and other objects to meet individual business needs of accounts and improve business customization capabilities
Function PointsFunction DescriptionApplicable Scene
Custom Object Management ListManagement and query can be realized for all enterprise custom objects1. Add, delete, modify, and query custom objects 2. Enable and disable custom objects 3. Check the basic information of the object
Creation of Custom Objects1. Configuration of basic information 2. Configuration of layoutApplicable to personalized scenarios where preset objects cannot meet business needs, such as competing products, delivery orders, etc.

2. Specific Operation

Example of Business Scene: In an e-commerce scene, express delivery information needs to be processed digitally, so a [delivery order] object is created to meet the delivery order management business

2.1 New Custom Object

Entrance: Management Background - Object Management - Custom Object Management - New

2.2 Custom Object Configuration

2.2.1 Basic Information

1. Object Name: supports custom naming, and cannot be repeated with other objects
2. API Name: Automatically generated by the system, you can customize the name, but it is mainly provided for developers to use. If there is no need, it is recommended not to modify it
(1) Naming Rules:
  • Only English letters are allowed
  • English letters, numbers, and underscores are allowed in the middle
  • If it is a custom object, it must end with __c
  • Consecutive underscores are not allowed except the trailing __c
  • Cannot exceed 200 characters
3. Status: The front end of the disabled state is invisible, the state can be changed to disabled in the configuration, and then enabled after configuration
4. Description: You can add a description to explain the meaning of the object
5. Primary Attribute Field Settings
(1) Primary Attribute Definition: In order to display the key information fields of this piece of data, it can be simply understood as the "title" of this piece of data
(2) Type: Self-increment Number
  • Self-increment number supports setting prefix, suffix constant text and inserting time/field splicing display
  • Auto-increment numbers support number digits: When the maximum value of the number exceeds the number digit limit, the number support continues to increase, not controlled by the number of digits
  • Auto-increment number supports setting initial value setting
  • Auto-increment number recalculation rules: no recalculation, annual recalculation (recalculation starts on January 1 of each year)
Type: Text
  • Whether to allow duplication in support configuration
  • Support filling value setting: manual, scanning code recognition filling, manual filling & scanning code recognition filling
6. Support Displayed Field Settings of Object
Definition: Displayed as "Title" instead of the main attribute
(1) Cannot be closed after opening (2) Opening the display field separately will replace all places on the page where the main attribute is fixedly displayed (for example: the display of the search associated field, the display field of the title of the details page) (3) If there are historical data suggestions Use calculated fields
7. After the basic content of the object is created, click on the object to support the custom configuration of some other functions (there are specific module introductions)
(1) Setting of field list
(2) Field dependencies
(3) Configuration of role permissions
(4) Layout: Multiple and customizable [New edit page] [Details page] [List page] [Process edit page] [Process list page]
(5) Layout rules
(6) Business type
(7) Validation rules
(8) button
(9) Check weight setting
(10) Scene management
(11) Relevant team data permissions
(12) Import Settings

2.3 Custom Object Management

1. Object Disabling: This object is related to other objects and cannot be disabled
2. Object Deletion: Objects cannot be deleted in the enabled state

2.4 Custom Object Front Display

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