1. E-Signature
After enabling the e-signature function, through the e-signature component on the object details page, you can use the print template or the field value of the file type as the source of the signed document, and quickly and conveniently initiate the electronic signature business from ShareCRM.
1.1 Bind E-Signature Service Provider
Before using the electronic signature function, it is necessary to complete the binding between ShareCRM and the electronic signature service provider. You can bind a newly registered e-signature service provider account, or bind an already registered e-signature service provider account. The fees generated by the electronic signature service are settled independently of ShareCRM system. For specific fees, please consult the selected electronic signature service provider.
In the electronic signature menu of background management, open the electronic signature service and bind the electronic signature service provider.
Before binding, users need to:
- Select an electronic signature service provider
- Enter the business registration name of the company
- Select the authenticated user who needs to bind the electronic signature (the user needs to present the original business certificate of the enterprise during the binding process).

After the binding process starts, the authenticated user will receive a text message to guide the binding process. After all the binding process is completed, refreshing the background management page will display the bound electronic signature tenant name and enable the global property of silent signature.

1.2 E-Signature User Management
After binding the electronic signature service provider, it is necessary to authorize which employees in the enterprise can have the signature authority.
On the electronic signature management page, click the user management tab to add users that need to be authorized.
Users who add electronic signature permissions will receive text messages to guide employees to complete personal identity authentication and authorize electronic signature permissions. After adding permissions successfully, the employee's status will be updated to authenticated.

1.3 Use E-Signature Function
Add the electronic signature component on the object details page (web or mobile). When adding the component, you need to configure the following settings of the component:
File Source (Template or Field);
Template Selection or File Field (changes dynamically according to the selection in the first step);
In the signed file, placeholders can be used to specify the default signing position, and the placeholders need to be set as transparent fonts in the template:
Signature Placeholder: #{signer_N} (N is the serial number of the signing node)
Signature Time Placeholder: #{signer_time_N} (N is the serial number of the signing node)
Paging Seal Placeholder: #{crosspage_signer_N} (N is the number of the signing node, the crosspage signer placeholder is only valid in the ordinate, and can only be set on the first page)
Enterprise Silent Signature Placeholder: #{silence_sign}
Enterprise Silent Signature Time Placeholder: #{silence_sign_time}
Enterprise Silent Paging Seal Placeholder: #{silence_crosspage_sign}
Internal Signature Type (individual or enterprise);
External Signature Type (individual or enterprise);
Signature Method (manual signing or silent signing, silent signing needs to be selected after the management background is turned on and the authentication user is authorized);
External Signature Action (signature of the enterprise, signature of the person in charge, signature of the legal representative), this attribute is only valid for the contract lock.

Drag the electronic signature component into the object details page, click the launch button to initiate and enter the new electronic signature page.

Add internal signers and external signers on the electronic signature page, click Save to start the electronic signature process.

The internal signer and the external signer will respectively receive the signing SMS, and the signing process of the electronic signature will be reflected on the electronic signature component.
A reminder can be initiated during the signing process, and the person currently waiting to sign will receive a reminder message.
After the signing is completed, the signed document can be viewed in the electronic signature component.

After the signing is completed or interrupted for any reason, you can click the launch button again to initiate the electronic signature.
After the signing is initiated, the system will automatically create an electronic signature data on the electronic signature prefabricated object, and the electronic signature object data records the relevant information of the electronic signature in detail.