1. Automatic Execution
- Supported Objects: preset objects such as: leads, accounts, contacts, opportunity, sales orders, return orders, payment, refunds, invoice applications, contracts, marketing campaigns, payment collection plans, promotions, invoice, receipt document, credit, rebate usage rules, advertisement, equipment inspection, statement, inventory list, opportunity 2.0, opportunity details, opportunity contacts, advanced fieldwork, and custom objects
- Trigger Actions: Trigger actions support new, invalid, restore, field update triggers, and timing triggers.
When the above objects are created, invalidated, restored, and fields update related data, the workflow will be triggered, and the corresponding workflow will be triggered if the conditions are met through the condition filter.
2. Execution Action
- Workflow Afer-action: Support CRM reminder, field change, email notification, initiate business process, data lock/unlock, assign owner, new task, new event, new sales record, execute custom function, new external notification.
3. Execution Log
- Workflow Execution Log: You can query by workflow, or by the trigger time range of the process and the initiator of the workflow;