1. Business Flow Initiation
- Trigger Business Flow: manual initiation is required.
When the initiation conditions are met and the initiator is within the selected initiator range, the "Initiate business process" button is displayed under the object details page
Click this button to select a configured business process to initiate
Process Initiation Conditions:
- The current user has the "Initiate Process" operation permission under the Initiate Process object.
- The transaction record to be initiated is not in the status of "Obsolete".
Process Initiation Entry: Under the business object details page, click "Initiate Process", select a configured business process to initiate.
- The current user needs to have the "Initiate Process" operation permission under the Initiate Process object.
- The transaction record to be initiated is not in the status of "Obsolete".
Actions after the process trigger business flow (approval flow, business flow, workflow)

2. View Business Flow To-do List
- Description: After the business process is initiated, the system will send the task to-do to the relevant processing personnel according to the process configuration, so that the executor can keep abreast of and view the to-do activities.
- To-do List Viewing Entry: In "CRM To-Do-To-Be-Processed Business Processes", a list of business processes to be processed by the current user or processed will be displayed.
- Filter & Automatic Refresh: the business flow to-do list supports filtering by object, and can also be filtered by different topics or statuses of the business flow. After processing is completed, the to-do list can be automatically refreshed.
- Divided into card mode and list mode, users can choose independently.

3. View Business Flow Details Page
- Description: Under the data details page, here you can view tasks under any stage, and process all tasks on the current page.
- Business Flow Details Entry: Under the relevant business record details page, if there are process tasks to be processed by the current user, the system will automatically display the detailed content of the process tasks.
- Business Process Stage: Support viewing tasks under any stage. Usually when business personnel are dealing with business activities, they are not clear about the significance of the current business operation to the entire business process or the sales process. Through the simple and clear stage view, they can clearly know what their work is for, thereby improving work initiative and enthusiasm .
- Pending Task Execution: refers to the task content to be performed by the current user, including business record information supplement, approval, business operation, etc. The task is clear and clear, and the user only needs to operate as required, reducing user learning costs and improving work efficiency.
- Task Details: It can clearly indicate the task requirements and current status, and fully grasp the task requirements.

4. View Task Landing Page
- Description: The details page of a single task to be processed, where you can view the detailed description of the pending task and the execution of the current pending task, and process the current task on the current page.
- Task Landing Page Entry: In "CRM to-do-to-be-processed business processes", the business processes to be processed by the current user or processed will be displayed. You can directly open a certain business process to see the detailed task landing page.

5. Handle Business Activities in To-do List
- Edit Object: After completing the business operation, click "Save & Complete Task", and it will automatically flow to the next node. If the current user does not have edit permissions for this business record, the Fill button is also hidden

- Change Owner: Click "Change Owner", select to replace the owner with another employee in the pop-up window, click the "Confirm" button in the change owner page, and the process will automatically flow to the next node.

Select or create an associated object: Click "Select or create an associated object" to go directly to the next node after completing the business operation.
- Create associated objects in batches: Click "Create new associated objects in batches". After completing the business operation, click "Complete task" and the process will automatically flow to the next node.
- Create a new slave object: Click "Choose to create a new slave object", and directly enter the next node after completing the business operation.
- Edit slave object: click "Edit slave object", after completing the business operation,
Approval: If business scenarios such as program approval or data review are involved in the business process, the approval link can be configured in the business process to monitor the business process.
- You can fill in the approval opinion, or you can directly click "Agree" or "Disagree" as the processing opinion.
- The system will enter different business branches according to processing opinions and system configuration.
When a certain work involves the collaborative processing of multiple departments, the "countersignature" node can be configured in the business process
- In the countersignature node, you can choose multiple department related personnel to fill in the processing opinions together, so that the work can be further promoted.
- Open the to-do task to see the task to be signed. You can fill in the approval opinion, or you can directly click "Agree" or "Disagree" as the processing opinion.
- The system will enter different business branches according to processing opinions and system configuration.

6. Flowing Business Process
- Description: If the ongoing business process needs to be terminated due to business adjustment and other reasons, you can directly click "Terminate" to end the current business process.
- Operation Entry: Open the data details page, and you can see the button "terminate" in the process details block.

- Forward: This business flow can be forwarded to Messages.

- View Full Process: Click to view the process log, flowchart, detailed information and process dynamics of this business flow.

- Change Handler: If the handler needs to change the business process due to business adjustment and other reasons, you can directly click "Change Handler" and fill in the reason for the change to complete the operation.