1. Basic Information
- Process Name: For example: "Business Opportunity Phase Promotion Process", "Lead Follow-Up Process", etc.
- Process Description: Describe the purpose or meaning of the process and other information.
- Process Initiation Object: The associated object used to initiate the stage process.
- Applicable Scope: The scope of application of the propeller in the current stage, that is, only users within the scope of application can initiate this process.

2. Advanced Settings
- Enable Interconnection Process: used to select the stage process for external personnel to participate in; support the selection of ordering, dispatching, agency, equipment assets, service - personal, ordering mall, equipment query, service, equipment query , interconnection applications such as ordering malls.
- After checking, you can select the interconnection application;
- When enabled, this stage propeller is applicable for downstream;

- Select Interconnection Node
- Check "Set as Interconnection Node";
- Automatically synchronize the interconnected application selected in the configuration basic information, which cannot be modified;
- Who will handle this business: You can add downstream enterprise personnel variables at this interconnection node;

- **Stage Propeller -- External Identification
- Interconnection Nodes: Display Interconnection Nodes – Interconnection Applications;
- Interconnection Processor: non-company processors are displayed as external personnel;
3. Trigger
- Description: The stage process initiated by the object, through manual triggering or automatic triggering of the stage pusher.
- Process Initiation Object: Indicates that the propeller of the current stage is initiated under the specified object; supports business opportunities 2.0, leads, customers, orders, marketing activities, partners and custom objects;
- Object Field: Set the stage according to the selected object field, and only a single field can be selected; for the same object, only one single field in the object can be selected for the stage pusher, and it cannot be modified.
- Trigger Action: New objects are automatically triggered according to the filter conditions, and other objects except Business Opportunity 2.0 support manual initiation or re-initiation without an approval flow.

4. Filter
- Description: When manually triggering the stage process, verify the filter conditions, and only trigger if the conditions are met.
- Filter Conditions:
- Opportunity 2.0 does not support filter conditions;
- Other objects support filter condition fields, including this object field, associated object field, main department of the person in charge, personnel.personnel attribute;

5. Stage Settings
- Opportunity 2.0_Stage Process
- The stage type is set in the Opportunity Stage field (in progress, won, lost, void).
- Support configuration win rate.
- The stage propeller can adjust the radio value and win rate in the business opportunity stage.
- Other Objects_Stage Process
- Select a radio field in the object, as a stage.
- Stages support configuring stage types (normal stage, final stage_success, failure).
- Support stage sorting.

6. Process Configuration
6.1 Stage Details
- Stage Name: The value of the stage field on the selected object, which cannot be modified.
- Stage Description: Describe the purpose or meaning of the stage.
- Stage Duration:
- No time limit: timeout reminder cannot be configured.
- Stage stay time: timeout reminder can be configured.
- Timeout Reminder:
- Reminders can be added before and after timeout.
- Remind Personnel supports Colleagues, Departments, Department Heads, Process Related Variables, Roles, User Groups, Data Related Variables, Person Object Variables.
- Reminder content can choose data variables.
- Common Stage:
- Whether to trigger approval when the stage is completed: select the same object--stage change, the triggering approval;
- Is it allowed to skip this stage: When skipping this stage is not allowed, you need to complete the tasks that must be completed under this stage before you can enter the next stage.
- Termination Stage:
- Information to be filled in when entering: Support filling in the information of the object when entering the final stage.
- Whether to ignore the configurations of the normal phase when entering this phase: When the final phase is failed, you can set to ignore the configurations of the normal phase and skip directly to this phase.
- Whether to trigger approval when entering this stage: Support triggering approval when entering the final stage, and the approval content supports the information that needs to be filled in when entering.

6.2 Stage Completion Conditions
- Tasks that must be completed to enter the next stage: List all the tasks under this stage. After ticking, you must complete the tasks to complete this stage.

6.3 Stage Entry Conditions
- Common Stage: The filter condition field includes this object field, Lookup object field, the main department to which the person in charge belongs, and personnel.personnel attributes.
- Termination Stage:
- This stage can only be entered if the following conditions are met:
- Field-based: The filter condition field includes this object field, Lookup object field, the main department to which the person in charge belongs, personnel and personnel attributes; b. You can choose the stages that must be completed to enter this stage.
- Based on a custom function: By setting a custom function to verify whether the rule is valid, the return value type must be ValidateResult.
- Prompt to enter the final state: can be customized and edited, and the maximum input is 500 words.
- Phases that must be completed to enter the next phase: Select the phases that must be completed to enter this phase.
- This stage can only be entered if the following conditions are met:

6.4 Task Settings
Description: Tasks can only be set in the normal stage, not in the final stage.
Task Name:
Task Description:
Task Type:
- Edit Object:
- Which object to edit: support editing this object and lookup object.
- Which fields to edit: Configure edit fields to support reference layouts.
- Set the name of the edit field page button: You can customize the name of the edit field page button.
- Who will handle this business: set the processor of this task.
- Edit Object:

Create Associated Object:
- Which object to select or create: supports creating or selecting an associated object.
- Only new creation is allowed and existing data cannot be associated.
- Who will handle this business: set the processor of this task

- Batch Edit Sub-objects
- Which object to edit: supports editing the sub-object.
- Who will handle this business: set the processor of this task

- Empty Task
- It is mostly used for tasks that require offline assistance and precautions for tasks, etc.

Task Completion Conditions
- This node can only be completed if the following conditions are met. The filter condition fields include this object field, Lookup object field, the main department to which the person in charge belongs, and personnel.personnel attributes.

6. Release & Management of Stage Propeller
6.1 Release of Stage Propeller
- Save: Saved successfully, it can be activated immediately.
6.2 Stage Propeller List Management
- Process Name: For example: "Business Opportunity Phase Promotion Process", "Lead Follow-Up Process", etc.
- Process description: Describe the purpose or meaning of the process and other information.
- Process Initiation Object: Indicate the business object that the current business process mainly serves, so that the process can be initiated under the specified object.
- Object Field: a stage field of the business opportunity object, the selected value is selected from this field as the stage of the current process.
- Applicable Scope: The scope of application of the current business process, that is, only users within the specified range can initiate this process.
- Creator: The creator of this business process.
- Created On: The date this business process was created.
- Last Modified by
- Last Modified
- Status: Include two statuses enable and disable.
- Enable: Only enabled processes can be initiated.
- Disable: Disabled processes cannot be initiated. If the enterprise business adjustment, the process is no longer applicable, it can be deactivated, so that the user will not see this deactivated process when initiating the process.
- Actions:
- Edit: Re-edited stage thrusters.
- Enable: Only enabled processes can initiate phase pusher records.
- Disable: Deactivated stage thrusters cannot be activated.
- Reuse & New: copy all the configurations of the thrusters of this stage, and create a new stage thruster.
- Delete: Deactivated stage thrusters can be deleted. After the phase booster is deleted, the original phase booster instance still supports query and view details.