Stage Propeller Execution

1. Initiate stage Propeller

  • New objects are automatically triggered according to the filter conditions, and other objects except Opportunity 2.0 support manual triggering without approval.

2. View Stage Propeller - To-do List

  • Description: After the stage process is initiated, the system will send the task to-do to the relevant processing personnel according to the process configuration, so that the executive can understand and view the to-do tasks in time.

  • To-do List Viewing Entrance: In "CRM to-do-to-be-processed stage tasks", a list of stage tasks to be processed by the current user or processed will be displayed.

  • Filter & Automatic Refresh: The to-do list supports filtering by object, and the to-do list can be automatically refreshed after processing is completed.

3. View Stage Propeller Details

① Display all stages + tasks under the stage; ② Process all tasks on the current page; ③ Can advance to the next stage; ④ Jump to the stage; ⑤ Business processing: edit objects, create associated objects, and batch edit slave objects;

  • Description: Under the data details page, here you can view tasks under any stage, and process all tasks on the current page;.

  • Stage Process Details Entry:

    • In "CRM to-do-to-be-processed stage tasks", a list of stage tasks to be processed by the current user or processed will be displayed.
    • Under the object data details page.
  • Stage Process Details Page: This detail page displays all stages and tasks under the stage. The processor can complete processing tasks, advance to the next stage, and jump to the stage on the current page.

4. Process Stage Tasks

  • Task Processing: supports editing objects, creating associated objects, and batch editing slave objects.

    • Edit Object: After completing the task, click "Save & Complete Task". If there are no other tasks to be completed in the current stage, the system will pop up to prompt whether to enter the next stage.
  • Create Associated Object: create an associated object and click Save. If there are no other tasks to be completed in the current stage, the system will pop up a prompt whether to enter the next stage.
  • Batch Edit Sub-objects: Click "Save & Complete Task", if there are no other tasks to be completed in the current stage, the system will pop up to prompt whether to enter the next stage.

5. View Stage View

  • Description: Each object can define multiple stage processes, and each stage process can have multiple stage definitions. The stage view is to flatten all stages, display the stage name and the number of object instances under the current stage number. The current stage view supports opportunities 2.0, opportunity, sales leads, accounts, sales orders, and custom objects.
  • Entry: The stage view icon of the object under the object list.

Filter: Supports filtering by object fields and tags. Business Opportunity 2.0 supports prefabricated quick screening, including scope and estimated closing date.

  • Card Field Settings: Up to 6 object fields can be displayed on the card. Support tenant-level setting amount and personal-level setting.
  • Select Stage Propeller: You can select all the object stage propeller definition list.
  • Display Messures: Currently, only business opportunity 2.0 displays, the amount of ongoing business opportunities, the amount of won business opportunities, and the amount of forecasted business opportunities.
  • Stage View Card: Opportunity 2.0 card supports quick editing of object details and release of follow-up updates.
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