[Important Notification]: Update Notification of Main Navigation Template of Downstream Web Channel of E-Order Express

Update Time: 2022-11-08 The E-Order team plans to refresh the main navigation template of the downstream web channel for enterprises that have applied for [E-Order v3] before 24:00 this Thursday night (2022-11-10).

1. The E-Order team plans to refresh the main navigation template of the downstream web channel for enterprises that have applied for [Danghutong v3] before 24:00 this Thursday night (2022-11-10).

2. The specific refresh rhythm is as follows:

● After 23:00 this Tuesday (November 08), the first batch will be refreshed: sandbox + test enterprise
● After 23:00 on Wednesday night (November 09), the second batch will be refreshed: general active enterprises
● After 23:00 on Thursday night (November 10), the third batch will be refreshed: important active companies (customers will be notified one-on-one)

3. The problem can be solved after refreshing:

● Downstream web-side channel portal, the [Channel Portal] application and the [Dianhutong] application appear
● [Channel Portal] The application clicks to report an error and needs to configure components
After refreshing, downstream enterprises will only have the application of [E-Order], and the relevant layout can only be set under the configuration of E-Order-Mall:
The effect is as follows (for downstream enterprises that only have the application of [E-Order]):
If necessary, you can modify the template as needed: Web-side channel navigation template path:
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