1. Set up the Internet disk administrator
The administrator of the Internet disk is set by the administrator of Enterprise Internet, and has the maximum authority of the network disk, including creating first-level folders, uploading files, downloading files, deleting files, moving files, setting the sharing range of folders, etc.
1.1 Enter Internet Application - Internet Disk

1.2 View the basic information of the Internet disk - settings
After viewing the basic information of the Internet disk, click Settings

After clicking Settings, it supports application administrator settings. If multiple network disk administrators are set, their permissions are the same.
1.3 Internet disk - enter the application
The network disk is one-way sharing, that is, files can only be shared from upstream companies to downstream companies, and files cannot be shared from downstream companies to upstream companies.
After the upstream enters the Internet disk workbench, the display is as follows:

Under the first-level directory of the network disk file, only new folders can be created, and files cannot be uploaded.
Only network disk administrators can create new folders under the first-level directory, and only network disk administrators can set the sharing scope of the first-level folders.
- Click to create a new folder, and a dialog box will pop up:

- When creating a new folder, you need to enter the name of the folder, and you can set the internal sharing range of the folder and the sharing range of the Internet company. If the downstream companies are not allowed to download or forward the files under the folder, please check the check permission Marquee options.
- For existing first-level folders, you can change the name, sharing range, and options for downloading and forwarding later.
1.4 Internet disk - check the dynamics of the network disk
- Internet users of downstream enterprises can click "Dynamic" on the upper right of the first-level directory of the network disk to view all operation records of the network disk, including creating/deleting/moving/renaming files and folders.

The operation records are displayed according to the time axis, and the records within a certain period of time can be filtered according to the date.
Individual files can be previewed and downloaded here.
- Click "Read" to view the reading status of downstream enterprises in the pop-up box.

1.5 Subfolders and files
The folders in the first-level directory folder are collectively called subfolders, and subfolders can have multiple levels. Subfolders cannot be shared. Under the subfolder, the linker in the upstream enterprise within the sharing range has the same permissions as the administrator, and can upload/download/delete/move/rename files and folders.
- Upload files: The size of a single file cannot exceed 100M. If it is a file in Word, Excel, PPT, PDF and other formats, online preview is supported.

- Move files: You can move files or folders, and the visibility of the moved files/folders is limited by the sharing scope of the first-level folder.

1.6 Downstream enterprises view online storage
There are many kinds of entrances for downstream enterprises to use, which can be on the web or mobile. Take the web side as an example:

- Under any circumstances, users of downstream enterprises are not allowed to modify files and folders, including but not limited to creating/moving/renaming folders, and uploading/deleting/moving/renaming files.
- If the upstream company has set a folder to allow downloading and forwarding of files, the downstream company can download any file under this folder, and forward Qixin and Funshare.
- When the upstream company does not allow downloading and forwarding, the downstream company can only preview the file online and cannot perform any other operations.
- When a new file is uploaded to the folder, the downstream enterprise users within the scope of folder sharing will receive a message reminder in the Enterprise Interconnection Session; click to enter the folder directory where the file is located.

1.7 Some capabilities of the mobile terminal are limited
Due to the limitations of the mobile terminal system and usage habits, some functions are currently not supported on the mobile terminal, including:
- The sharing scope of the folder cannot be set on the mobile terminal
- iPhones do not support downloading files, uploading files can only upload pictures and videos
- Limited by the iOS system, iPhones do not support downloading files, and uploading files can only upload pictures and videos; Android phones can download files, and can also upload arbitrary files.
- When uploading large-capacity files, it is recommended to operate on the PC side.